cover image: Research Coordinating Unit Program Evaluation. Final Report.

Research Coordinating Unit Program Evaluation. Final Report.

State Research Coordinating Units (RCU) for vocational education are evaluated in this study. Three separate questionnaires were used for RCU directors, State directors of vocational education, and a sample of local and university personnel involved in vocational education. Questionnaire respondents totaled 306, divided in five categories, with response rates in parentheses, as follows: (1) RCU directors, 39 (85%); (2) State directors of vocational education, 36 (72%); (3) university personnel, 67 (82%); (4) university-centered RCU director supervisors, 12 (67%); and (5) local directors of vocational education, 152 (78%). Programs in seven States were studied in depth as case studies of functioning Research Coordinating Units. Findings and recommendations are discussed for strengthening the nationwide RCU program, and a model for the evaluation of similar Federal projects is described. Samples of questionnaires used in the study and response data are appended. (JK)


Goldhammer, Keith, And Others

Authorizing Institution
Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Center for Educational Research and Service.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Bureau of Research.

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