cover image: Teaching Children to Become More Critical Consumers of Television.

Teaching Children to Become More Critical Consumers of Television.

With television operating as an important socializing influence, children need to become critical consumers and they can be taught the necessary evaluative skills. Explicit discussion is seen as a means of developing awareness of various facets of TV programming, e.g., the relationship of reality to content, stereotyped images presented, any bias which may be introduced by the commercial basis of much TV production. Games are suggested as a method to be used by parents and children, and the TV industry is asked to provide more examples of how programs are produced as well as more explicit labeling for programs based on true incidents. The single most important means of transmitting these skills is seen to be coviewing and discussion with parents. (KP)


Lemon, Judith

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Published in
United States of America
Office of Child Development (DHEW), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents