cover image: Leisure Participation in the South: Volume II--Appendices. Final Report.

Leisure Participation in the South: Volume II--Appendices. Final Report.

This document contains the appendices of a study undertaken to determine the nature of popular interest in and demand for cultural and artistic activities in 13 southern states. The general objective of the study was to provide information to policy makers on public opinion regarding the relative merits of "elitist activities" (high cultural activities such as attending operas and symphonies), and "popular activites" (a broader range of art and leisure-related activities such as camping) to the development of policy on the arts. Data regarding types of leisure/arts-related activities which are currently pursued and likely to be pursued in the future were collected in a self-administered mail survey of a probability sample for 13 southern states. A total of 3,196 questionnaires was delivered to potential respondents and 1,684 questionnaires were returned completed. A sample questionnaire is presented in Appendix A. Also included in the appendix (12 items in all) are sampling procedures and survey return results, sample balancing and weighting of responses, follow-up interviews, data on proportion of respondents failing to answer the questionnaire, correlation matrices and factor matrix for current participation activities, data on cost incurred and distance traveled to participate in leisure activities, distribution of perceived availability of various types of arts/leisure activities, cross tabulation of current participation clusters, data on socio-economic status and demographic variables of respondents, and description of the characteristics of the program used in the cluster analysis. Each of these appended items includes information on description of data, background, tables, and interpretation of data. (DB)


Orend, Richard J.

Authorizing Institution
Human Resources Research Organization, Alexandria, VA.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Numerical/Quantitative Data', 'Reports - Research']
Published in
United States of America
National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC.

Table of Contents