cover image: Guggenheim Museum Children's Program; Learning to Read Through the Arts, Summer, 1975.

Guggenheim Museum Children's Program; Learning to Read Through the Arts, Summer, 1975.

During the summer of 1975 the program "Learning to Read Through the Arts" had as its target population 130 Elementary Secondary Education Act Title I eligible children ages 10 to 12 who were performing at least two years below grade level in reading. The students were divided into homogeneous reading groups based on standardized achievement test scores. The same groups also received instruction, on a limited basis, in mathematics. The program focused on the improvement of reading skills through motivating pupil interests. Supplementary workshops in the arts (dance, theater, music, painting, sculpture, mixed media, drawing, printmaking, puppetry, crafts, film making etc.), were closely correlated with the reading program. Weekly field trips supplemented the instructional program. Parents attended an orientation session and were provided opportunities to participate in workshops taught by an arts and crafts instructor and/or the social worker. Parents also participated on the advisory council of the program. The various components of the program were competently coordinated, supervised and administered. The pupils who completed the program exceeded anticipated outcomes. Positive growth gains were recorded on the McGraw-Hill Precriptive Reading and the Prescriptive Mathematics inventories. (Author/JM)


Seiferth, John C.

Authorizing Institution
New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Office of Educational Evaluation.
Laws Policies and Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I
New York (New York)
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

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