cover image: Highlights and Trends from National Assessment: Writing and Change in Writing Skills.

Highlights and Trends from National Assessment: Writing and Change in Writing Skills.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress uses a variety of test items and scoring techniques in measuring the writing achievement of three age groups--nine, thirteen, and seventeen year olds. This document discusses the holistic scoring of essays, including mechanical correctness and grammatical usage; the primary-trait method of scoring, with types of discourse rated according to their purposes; and the checking of content on a presence/absence basis. Included are tables of findings, examples of essays, background questionnaires, and scoring guides. (JM) Primary type of information provided by report: Procedures (Scoring); Results (Change) (Respondent Examples).


Mullis, Ina V. S.

Assessments and Surveys
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Authorizing Institution
Education Commission of the States, Denver, CO. National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents