cover image: The Parent-Child Toy Lending Library. East Hartford Program.

The Parent-Child Toy Lending Library. East Hartford Program.

The Educational Resources and Development Center at the University of Connecticut conducted an evaluation of the Parent-Child Toy Lending Library Program for the towns of East Hartford and Manchester. Because both towns participated in the training program at the same time and a summation of the training program data provides more accurate information to the towns, a joint report on the training component for toy demonstrators begins this report. It is followed by a discussion of the evaluation of the East Hartford program. The evaluation encomPasses the following areas: the children's developmental progress, reactions of the children to toys, parent-child relationship, and parent evaluation of the Program. Data collection occurred through a variety of models that include observations, testing, and questionnaires. The data indicate substantial progress toward implementation of activities directed toward achievement of the program objectives to enhance parent-child relationships, to train parents to help their children develop intellectual skills, and to stimulate parents to take an active part in the education of their own children. Appendixes contain questionnaires and data collection forms. (Author/IRT)
Authorizing Institution
Connecticut Univ., Storrs. Educational Resources and Development Center.
Laws Policies and Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents