cover image: Educational Opportunities through Federal Assistance Programs, Fiscal 1974.

Educational Opportunities through Federal Assistance Programs, Fiscal 1974.

This publication, the ninth annual report of the Division of Federal Assistance of the Ohio Department of Education, summarizes the work of the division during fiscal 1974 (July 1, 1973-June 30, 1974). In addition to presenting statistical, fiscal, and graphic data, the report is designed to help educators and other interested persons to: understand the various federal programs administered by the division, review the size and scope of these categorical aid programs; comprehend the past, present, and potential impact of the educational opportunities provided throughout the various acts and titles; and recognize the progress made during the past five years. During fiscal 1974, the Division of Federal Assistance had seven distinct areas of responsibility connected with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act: (1) Basic Title I, designed to meet critical instructional needs of selected educationally disadvantaged children; (2) Special Title I, designed to meet the educational needs of children of migratory agricultural workers, handicapped children in state-operated schools, and orphaned, neglected, and delinquent children in state operated schools; (3) Title II, which provides funds for library resources and other instructional materials; (4) Title V, which provides funds for strengthening leadership capabilities of the Ohio Department of Education; and (5) Adult Basic Education. (Author/JM)
Authorizing Institution
Ohio State Dept. of Education, Columbus. Div. of Federal Assistance.
Laws Policies and Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents