cover image: Guinea-Bissau - Second Emergency Food Security Support P


Guinea-Bissau - Second Emergency Food Security Support P

5 Sep 2016

While the activities supported by the project were relevant to improve short term access to food, the causal link between the supported activities and the food security status of vulnerable populations was not clear. [...] The delayed effectiveness also impacted the implementation of component 2 where the grant funds were received in the designated account of the project only on May 7th, 2015; 3 weeks before the closing date of June 30, 2015. [...] There are several factors that could negatively impact the sustainability of the development outcomes: •. Political instability: the country continued to suffer from political instability with the possible deterioration of the political situation and the involvement of the military. [...] M&E design could have benefitted from including indicators to assess the change/improvement in the level of food security due to the project, or the extent of physical and cognitive development of the students who benefited from the school feeding scheme. [...] Finally, the rationale behind the choice of targets for some indicators was unclear, for example, the target value of direct project beneficiaries of 38,000 measured the total number of the food-for-work participants and their household members, while excluding the direct beneficiaries of school feeding activities and of the distribution of agricultural inputs.
health africa guinea-bissau disability economic assistance poverty reduction agriculture and food security school feeding program global environment macroeconomics and economic growth health service management and delivery nutrition and population social protections and labor access of poor to social services services & transfers to poor environmental and social safeguard economic and financial analysis vulnerable population group pest management plan improving food security environment and natural resources borrower performance expenditure management and control food for work program agricultural extension and research global food crisis response rural services and infrastructure food-for-work


IEG Review Team

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
Guinea-Bissau - Second Emergency Food Security Support P
Originating Unit
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
GW-Second Emergency Food Security Support Project -- P148886
Total Volume(s)
Volume No


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