cover image: Alternatives for a National Data System on Elementary and Secondary Education.

Alternatives for a National Data System on Elementary and Secondary Education.

This paper proposes a fundamentally new national data system for elementary and secondary education, differing in structure and content from present education data-collection activities of the federal government, the states, and local education agencies. This report was contracted by the U.S. Department of Education's Center for Statistics as a "10-year plan" of data collection to satisfy the statements made by writers submitting papers to the Center's Redesign Project and appearing in the "Synthesis of Invited Papers," and is intended as a companion to that volume. The current data system is flawed in fundamental ways; it does not provide the kinds of information needed to understand the context, processes, and outcomes of schooling in the United States. These kinds of information are now being demanded by policy-makers as well as by the general citizenry. The proposed national data system is designed to provide essential information for policy-makers in all branches and at various levels of government as well as new constituencies. The structure of the proposed national data system, as well as specific categories and subcategories of data have been identified in the report, and the types of costs and distribution of costs likely to be incurred in developing and maintaining the proposed national data system are enumerated. (JAZ)


Hall, George, And Others

Authorizing Institution
National Center for Education Statistics (ED), Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Opinion Papers
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents