cover image: Praise for Free, Fair and Alive


Praise for Free, Fair and Alive

6 Sep 2019

The OntoShift to the Commons | 29 The Window Through Which We See the World | 32 The OntoStory of the Modern West | 34 OntoStories as a Hidden Deep Dimension of Politics | 37 The Nested-I and Ubuntu Rationality: The Relational Ontology of the Commons | 41 Complexity Science and Commoning | 46 Making an OntoShift to the Commons | 49 3. [...] Nor is the commons about the misleading idea of the “tragedy of the commons.” 16 Free, Fair and Alive This term was popularized by a famous essay by biologist Garrett Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” which appeared in the influ- ential journal Science in 1968.3 Paul Ehrlich had just published The Population Bomb, a Malthusian account of a world overwhelmed by sheer numbers of people. [...] Hardin’s article went on to become the most-cited article in the history of the journal Science, and the phrase “tragedy of the commons” became a cultural buzzword. [...] As Wired described it, the foundation “handled network traffic to and among the providers; connected to the major data ‘interchange’ providing vast amounts of bandwidth between southern Spain and the rest of the world; planned deployment of fiber; and, crucially, devel- oped systems to ensure that the ISPs were paying their fair share of the overall data and network-management costs.”15 Commons an. [...] The Window Through Which We See the World The study of the nature of reality and how it is structured — the win- dows through which we see the world — is called ontology.
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