cover image: Research Study of Modular Design of School Buildings in Europe. April 30, 1968 - May 20, 1968. Revised 1969.

Research Study of Modular Design of School Buildings in Europe. April 30, 1968 - May 20, 1968. Revised 1969.

Research for this comparative study consisted of school visits and discussions on the school building industry with leading men in the field in England, West Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. The study explored the use of prefabrication and modular school design, which provide economical and flexible school buildings to accommodate an increasing school population and changing methods of instruction brought about by the use of audio-visual aids and a new teaching philosophy. (TC)


Orlowski, S. T.

Authorizing Institution
Ontario Dept. of Education, Toronto. School Planning and Building Research Section.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents