cover image: A Study of the Validity and Feasibility of Impact Ratings for Use in Funding and Evaluation.

A Study of the Validity and Feasibility of Impact Ratings for Use in Funding and Evaluation.

This study was the second year of a project that attempted to formulate criteria for project evaluation and funding decisions. Activities were designed to produce measures of project impact for vocational education projects. The second year's work focused on refinement of impact variables, and a survey of directors of vocational education concerning their priorities for impact variables. Local education agencies (LEAs) in New York State were asked their opinions about whether the impact variables were valid and whether it would be feasible for them to collect the data required. Six project impact variables were considered the most valid. (1) Students trained have positive attitudes toward work. (2) Training increases student employment options. (3) Employers are satisfied with graduates of the program. (4) Graduates are working in occupations for which they are trained. (5) Project objectives are fulfilled. (6) Training objectives are met in the most cost-effective manner. The LEAs queried indicated that collection of necessary data would be feasible but that they could use support with data collection in several areas. The next steps required are a review of the impact rating forms and development of additional related rating forms and the preparation of a funding and evaluation handbook for LEAs. (Author/JM)


Tittle, Carol Kehr, And Others

Authorizing Institution
['City Univ. of New York, NY. Inst. for Research and Development in Occupational Education.', 'New York State Education Dept., Albany. Div. of Occupational Education Supervision.']
New York
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.

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