cover image: Louisiana Industrial Arts Curriculum Project, Phase I. Final Report. Bulletin No. 1687.

Louisiana Industrial Arts Curriculum Project, Phase I. Final Report. Bulletin No. 1687.

A project was conducted to review industrial arts curriculum needs and to formulate recommendations relative to curriculum revision in Louisiana. The state was divided into three regions for administrative purposes. A needs assessment instrument was developed and mailed to each industrial arts teacher in the state (as of 1979), with a 50 percent return rate. The questionnaire gathered data relative to three areas of the program: profile of industrial arts teachers in Louisiana; examination of program status and need by grade level and subject area; and provision of selected information relative to the role of industrial arts in the public schools of Louisiana. As a result of examination of data gathered through the questionnaire, a rationale for industrial arts in Louisiana, goals for industrial arts on each grade level, course titles, a program model and a flowchart for industrial arts course sequencing were developed. In addition, basic outlines of selected courses were developed by regional centers; work on this phase of the project is continuing. (The bulk of this document contains course outlines, including course descriptions, target grade level, prerequisites, and course content for industrial arts courses.) (KC)
Authorizing Institution
Louisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge. Div. of Vocational Education.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reports - Descriptive', 'Guides - Non-Classroom']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents