cover image: Behavior Modification; An Instructional Module.

Behavior Modification; An Instructional Module.

This paper outlines a seven-step program for helping teacher interns deal with classroom behavioral problems. In step 1, "preassessment of interns," interns indicate a lack of training in the area of behavior modification through discussion and classroom behavior. In step 2, "instructional objectives," interns observe and discuss principles of behavior modification. In step 3, "instructional alternatives," interns who do not attempt to incorporate behavioral modification techniques directly in their teams are encouraged to utilize other strategies to increase desirable classroom behavior. In step 4, "materials," a bibliography of books and films is recommended. In step 5, "postassessment," observation sheets and changes in the frequency of undesirable and desirable behavior are examined. In step 6, "remediation," individual team consultants are employed to implement successfully behavioral modification techniques. In step 7, "student feedback," intern representatives at future seminar-planning sessions are queried about this program. (PD)


Sikula, John P.

Authorizing Institution
Toledo Univ., OH.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Teacher Corps.

Table of Contents