cover image: Intensive Reading Instructional Teams, 1973-1974. Hartford Moves Ahead: An Evaluation Report.

Intensive Reading Instructional Teams, 1973-1974. Hartford Moves Ahead: An Evaluation Report.

Hartford's "Intensive Reading Instructional Team" Program has been a demonstration model for teachers, school systems, and college faculties, nationwide. The general objectives of the program were as follows: (1) to raise the level of achievement of pupils who are deficient in the basic skills of language and reading; (2) to improve the self-image of the pupils through approval for any achievement and to provide an atmosphere of mutual self-respect; (3) to develop an appreciation for and pleasure in reading; (4) to investigate techniques and materials which will assist teachers in more effective teaching of reading; (5) to create materials and operate a model demonstration center for the teachers of Hartford; (6) to provide a flexible environment that promotes individualized instruction geared to the learning styles of each pupil; (7) to develop a learner who is self-motivated; (8) to teach to the strengths of each child's learning style and provide remediation for his learning weaknesses; and, (9) to promote an interest on the part of parents in the importance of school-home relationships. The successful departmentalized structure was continued the last year. This design included intensive reading emphasis in three areas--decoding, individualized reading, and vocabulary and comprehension skills. Pupils received approximately one hour of instruction daily in each of the three areas. (Author/JM)
Authorizing Institution
Hartford Public Schools, CT.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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