cover image: Where Are All the People Going--Demographic Trends.

Where Are All the People Going--Demographic Trends.

Rapid rural outmovement began around 1940. This trend continued in the 1950's as farm adjustments rapidly took place and the worker-short cities welcomed rural manpower. The majority of nonmetro counties had greater retention of population in the 1960's. The peak of potential migration was reached and passed by the mid-1960's. Due to emerging conditions of American life which have diminished the comparative advantages of major urban areas, this rural-to-urban migration trend is now reversing. A population shift to rural and smaller urban communities has been underway since 1970. Influencing this reversal are such factors as the decentralization trend in U.S. manufacturing (especially in the South's upland parts); the growth of recreation and retirement activities; people's attitudes; and the decline of the birth rate in the metro areas. According to the Census Bureau's annual county estimates, the highest rates of nonmetro growth are among retirement counties, counties adjacent to metro areas, and counties with senior State colleges. Geographical subregions which have had rapid growth since 1970 are the: Ozark-Ouachita area, Upper Great Lakes cutover area, Rocky Mountains, and Southern Appalachian coal fields. (NQ)


Beale, Calvin L.

Authorizing Institution
['Rural Housing Alliance, Washington, DC.', 'Rural America, Inc., Washington, DC.']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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