cover image: Final Report of the Evaluation of the 1969-1970 Benjamin Franklin Cluster Program: Programs and Patterns for Disadvantaged High School Students. ESEA Title I.

Final Report of the Evaluation of the 1969-1970 Benjamin Franklin Cluster Program: Programs and Patterns for Disadvantaged High School Students. ESEA Title I.

The Cluster Program at Benjamin Franklin High School, funded under Title I of the 1965 Elementary Secondary Education Act, is designed to be a school within a school in which 249 ninth grade students attend classes in two separate clusters. Each cluster is formulated such that all students receive instruction from five teachers in classes whose maximal size is 30. These cluster students also receive the services of paraprofessional aides, a counselor, and a part-time psychologist. Laboratories and skills centers in reading and mathematics were specially developed for the cluster program, and three curriculum developers produced new materials in mathematics, science, and social studies. Evaluation procedures included (a) collecting and analyzing all the school record information available, (b) analyzing records and documents produced by the cluster program staff, (c) interviewing teachers, counselors, and the cluster program psychologist, (d) administering questionnaires to cluster students, and (e) observation of classroom functioning. (Author/JM)


Hoffman, Louis J.

Authorizing Institution
Teaching and Learning Research Corp., New York, NY.
Laws Policies and Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I
New York (New York)
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY.

Table of Contents