This is the National Science Teachers Association project report regarding curriculum development in science. The approach utilizes conceptual schemes as basic elements. The theoretical base for this approach is developed in detail, and the implications for the classroom teacher are carefully analyzed. Guidelines for implementing a curriculum development program are given which are directed toward action at the local level. The report is committed to a K-12 articulated program of curriculum development based on the concepts and processes of science. (GR)
Organizations mentioned
- Authorizing Institution
- National Science Teachers Association, Washington, DC.
- Peer Reviewed
- F
- Published in
- United States of America
- Sponsor
- Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Bureau of Research.
Table of Contents
- Concept 5 Molecules are com osed of atoms. 38
- This apparatus is used to take water apart. The 38
- Water is in the apparatus. 38
- Test for a certain gas in Tube 1. 39
- Which tube has the most gas in it 39
- Let us test for a certain gas in Tube 1. 39
- I will test for a certain gas in Tube 2. 39
- This is a test tube containing hydrogen gas. 39
- CLE5. 41
- EdLAIREA91 92