cover image: Improving Organizational Communication through Long-Term Intergroup Intervention. Technical Report No. 8.

Improving Organizational Communication through Long-Term Intergroup Intervention. Technical Report No. 8.

This study reports on the design, formulation, modification, and evaluation of a relatively new type of intergroup intervention--the creation of a "microcosm group" of twelve members from an organization of 250 members. Charged with improving communication among work groups and hierarchical levels, the group was developed and maintained according to boundary and relationship concepts from open systems theory. It represented a microcosm of the system in which it worked, addressed problems raised by both employees and management; assisted in a survey feedback intervention; and survived concerns raised by the union, middle management, and leadership succession at the top of the organization. There is evidence that it substantially facilitated communication about difficult issues within the organizations, earned more confidence from employees and management, and improved its own functioning over time. At the same time, the intervention was experienced as quite stressful and conflictful for all parties participating, including top management, consultants, communication group members, and other organization members whose work experiences were influenced by the group. (Author)


Alderfer, Clayton P.

Authorizing Institution
Yale Univ., New Haven, CT. School of Organization and Management.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Published in
United States of America
Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC. Organizational Effectiveness Research Program.

Table of Contents