cover image: The Middle School We Need. A Report from the A. S. C. D. Working Group on the Emerging Adolescent Learner.

The Middle School We Need. A Report from the A. S. C. D. Working Group on the Emerging Adolescent Learner.

This position paper identifies the purposes and underlying rationale of the middle school, outlines what the middle school program should be--curricular, instructional, and organizational-administrative, and presents some leadership implications. It is assumed that if educators understand the root causes of transescent behavior, they will deal more rationally and sanely with that behavior. The characteristics of transescent physical, intellectual and mental, and personality growth are presented as the rationales for specific recommendations and program implications. These recommendations and implications are designed to improve teaching and learning. The recommendations are intended as general guidelines and, while most will have relevance for all school districts in the United States, their interpretation into more specific program implications may reflect certain factors or nuances indigenous to individual districts. The suggested implications that follow the recommendations are presented to illustrate various program alternatives The problems that must be met by middle school leaders--administratirs, supervisors, state departments, universities, and professional organizations--in order to accomplish the middle school outlined are also dealt with. (Author/IRT)


Gatewood, Thomas E., Dilg, Charles A.

Authorizing Institution
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents