cover image: National Perspective on Bilingual Education.

National Perspective on Bilingual Education.

What has been called bilingual education in this country presently has as its sole concern the linguistic performance of the student, thereby neglecting the implementation of a coherent conceptual system which takes into consideration the ways in which the student comes to understand the world around him. Furthermore, bilingual education has not been defined as a collective effort for the communication of sound teaching strategies and techniques for the bilingual and potentially-bilingual student; and it has not come to grips with the assessment procedures which are geared to the actual teaching/learning situation. This paper argues that we must not allow the designation of bilingual education as solely a temporary measure, to be utilized until the student is capable of receiving instruction in English; making no effort to maintain and enhance his command of the native language. To succeed, indeed, to survive, it must also be recognized as beneficial to the English-speaking majority as well as to the other language groups which form such a significant part of our society. Obviously a valid system of bilingual education demands pervasive change throughout the educational system, in the attitude of society, in government policy, and in the economic priorities of the state. (Author/AM)


Vazquez, Jose A.

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Speeches/Meeting Papers
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents