cover image: Inhibitors to Achievement in Science and Mathematics by Ethnic Minorities.

Inhibitors to Achievement in Science and Mathematics by Ethnic Minorities.

Suggesting that the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in technical and science-related careers and within academic programs leading to such careers has not resulted primarily from free exercise of choice on their part, but rather has resulted in some measure from barriers to minority group participation, the literature was surveyed to examine factors suspected of inhibiting minority participation in science/mathematics at the pre-college level. Factors examined included: (1) those related to testing procedures (general testing, achievement, other factors such as socio-economic status, performance patterns, and presence of bias); (2) those related to learner characteristics (cognitive style, locus of control, and attitude/motivation); (3) those related to classroom experience (differential exposure of science/mathematics instruction, de facto classroom segregation, classroom psychological environment, teacher expectations, and instructional strategies); and (4) those related to counseling experiences. Programs to encourage minority participation in science/mathematics were also examined. Suggestions based on the literature review include early exposure to experiential science and concrete mathematical materials to develop conceptual understanding, providing instructional strategies accommodating a variety of cognitive styles, rectifying any imbalance in the quality of science/mathematics instruction encountered by minorities, providing career awareness programs and academic role models, and including Asian Americans and minority women in future research studies. (Author/JN)


Olstad, Roger G., And Others

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

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