cover image: Some Limitations of Criterion-Referenced Measurement.

Some Limitations of Criterion-Referenced Measurement.

Contrary to the impression which exists in some quarters, criterion-referenced measurements are not a recent development that modern technology has made possible and that effective education requires. The use of criterion-referenced measurements can not be expected to improve significantly our evaluations of educational achievement. The major limitations of criterion-referenced measurements are: (1) they do not tell us all we need to know about achievement; (2) they are difficult to obtain on any sound basis; and (3) they are necessary for only a small fraction of important educational achievements. It is true that norm-referenced measurements of educational achievement need to have content meaning as well as relative meaning. We need to understand not just that a student excells or is deficient, but what it is that he does well or poorly. However, these meanings and understandings are seldom wholly absent when norm-referenced measures are used. They can be made more obviously present and useful it we choose to do so. (KJ)


Ebel, Robert L.

Authorizing Institution
['American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.', 'Michigan State Univ., East Lansing.']
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

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