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ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific: Seizing the Narrative?

23 Jan 2020

ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific: Seizing the Narrative? By Bhubhindar Singh and Henrick Z Tsjeng SYNOPSIS The issuance of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) was one of the most important developments for ASEAN in 2019. [...] COMMENTARY ONE OF the most important developments for ASEAN in 2019 was the adoption of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). [...] At the 34th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok on 23 June 2019, the ten ASEAN members announced their vision of the Indo-Pacific in the form of a non-binding ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP). [...] On the contrary, the AOIP can instead be seen as a sign of ASEAN’s determination to address the challenge posed by the Indo-Pacific Concept as it demonstrates ASEAN centrality in the face of mounting great power rivalry. [...] Despite the expected disagreements between member states during the negotiation process, the final outcome displayed ASEAN’s ability to come together to set the direction for a sub-regional institution in light of the rising uncertainty in the strategic environment.


Janet Fung

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