cover image: Battling Marine Plastic Waste: Nuclear Technology's Role  SYNOPSIS COMMENTARY


Battling Marine Plastic Waste: Nuclear Technology's Role SYNOPSIS COMMENTARY

3 Feb 2021

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) launched in 2020 a new initiative, the NUclear TEchnology for Controlling Plastic Pollution’ (NUTEC Plastic), which intends to explore and rapidly expand the use of nuclear technology to fight plastic pollution in the oceans and reduce plastic waste globally. [...] The major challenge for scientists and policymakers in dealing with ocean plastic pollution is a lack of knowledge on the exact concentration of microplastics in the oceans and the marine food chain. [...] It is thus timely that Indonesia and the Philippines have both expressed their strong commitment to support and participate in the recently launched NUTEC Plastic initiative of the IAEA. [...] They can equally be the foundation for the two organisations to explore the potential of nuclear technology application in curbing marine litter in the region. [...] In view of the existential threats posed by marine plastic pollution, it is imperative that countries in the region explore all effective ways to curb and reverse the negative impacts of plastic waste on the marine environment and ecosystem in regional seas.


Janet Fung

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