cover image: Linear and non linear mechanical properties of miscible polymer blends near glass transition

Linear and non linear mechanical properties of miscible polymer blends near glass transition

13 Dec 2013

Miscible polymer blends of Polybutadiene (PB) and Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) are studied in order to relate their microscopic structure to their macroscopic linear and nonlinear mechanical properties. The dynamic heterogeneities of polymer blends are particularly strong at the length scale of segmental movement associated to the alpha-relaxation (~1nm). It is neither obvious in our blend system in larger length scale involved in rubber elasticity (~10nm), nor in smaller length scale of localized motions controlling the beta-relaxation (<1nm). We assume that a blend can be considered as an ensemble of domains of various local glass transition temperatures. Using calorimetric data, with or without aging, we probe the distribution of glass transition temperature P(Tg) of miscible polymer blends. Using self-consistent averaging method inspired by the Olroyd-Palierne model, we predict quantitatively, with no adjustable parameter, the linear viscoelastic spectrum of our blends from that of pure polymers and the Tg distribution obtained by calorimetry. This quantitative prediction confirms thus the assumption that mechanically, a blend can be considered as an ensemble of domains each of which having a different glass transition temperature. The nonlinear mechanical properties are studied. As the system approaches glass transition, the entanglement slipping is greatly reduced due to appearance of glassy domains that immobilize the chains. Plasticity begins to be dominant as the system goes deeper into the glass transition zone, and the structural nonlinearity is the most strong when there is a percolation of glassy domains.


Peiluo Shi, Hélène Montes, François Lequeux, Régis Schach, Etienne Munch

Bibliographic Reference
Peiluo Shi, Hélène Montes, François Lequeux, Régis Schach, Etienne Munch. Linear and non linear mechanical properties of miscible polymer blends near glass transition. Polymers. Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. English. &#x27E8;NNT : &#x27E9;. &#x27E8;pastel-00920019&#x27E9;
HAL Collection
['PASTEL - ParisTech', 'ParisTech', 'Université Pierre et Marie Curie', 'Sorbonne Université', 'ESPCI ParisTech', 'CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique', "Thèses de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie", 'Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle - Physico-chimie des Polymères et Milieux Dispersés', 'Université Paris sciences et lettres', 'Thèses de Sorbonne Université', 'SORBONNE université <2018', 'Faculté des Sciences de Sorbonne Université', 'Sciences - Sorbonne Université', 'Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris - PSL', 'Sorbonne Université - Texte Intégral', 'Alliance Sorbonne Université']
HAL Identifier
['Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris', 'Société Michelin']
['Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Polymères et des Milieux Dispersés', 'Centre de Technologie de Ladoux']
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