Through our work with members, we aim to strengthen the contribution of nursing and midwifery to improving Australia’s health and aged care systems, and the health of our national and global communities. [...] The ANMF recognises that a midwife was the designated carer in 46% of maternity care in Australia in 2023, and the most common carer in all jurisdictions.1 Nationally the ANMF represents the largest number of midwives in the country, with more than 20,000 midwife members. [...] Do you have a new clinical question for pregnancy care? Not at this time, however the ANMF is a key stakeholder in pregnancy care in Australia representing the majority of midwives providing this care to women and requests ongoing inclusion in the development of new or updated clinical guidelines. [...] 6 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation Submission Do you have a new clinical question for postnatal care? Not at this time, however the ANMF is a key stakeholder in postnatal care in Australia representing the majority of midwives providing this care to women and requests ongoing inclusion in the development of new or updated clinical guidelines. [...] The ANMF looks forward to ongoing engagement regarding the development of the Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Guidelines.
- Pages
- 7
- Published in
- Australia
Table of Contents
- Introduction 3
- Do you have any feedback on new or updated recommendations for pregnancy care? 4
- Do you have any feedback on new or updated recommendations for postnatal care? 6
- Do you have any feedback on any of the recommendations for pregnancy / postnatal care? 6
- Do you have a new clinical question for pregnancy care? 6
- Do you have a new clinical question for postnatal care? 7
- Anything else you would like to share about the guidelines? 7
- Conclusion 7