cover image: Summary of round table discussions_2020-03-24_SP_MRy


Summary of round table discussions_2020-03-24_SP_MRy

27 Apr 2020

The purpose of these discussions: - Give a chance to learn from each other and discuss Environmental Footprint (EF) with other lifecycle professionals - Give Swedish Life Cycle Center and the Expert group input on where to focus the work with EF during the transition phase 1 Network conference on Environmental Footprint – Summary of round table discussions April 27, 2020 The conference participant. [...] The learning process of EF is one of the greatest benefits when it comes to knowledge building around a product, especially internally for companies, but it could also be a way to inform consumers and other about environmental impacts of different products, which will contribute to more informed decisions and a responsible production and consumption. [...] The role of Swedish Life Cycle Center The conference took the opportunity to gather further ideas and improvements for Swedish Life Cycle Center to work with. [...] Industry - Which are the driving forces for your company to be engaged in the development of the EF? To better support you and your organizations’ need, what needs to be improved and how? - How can the results from PEFs be communicated? How would you like them to be communicated? - What needs to be done to support SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises)? How can the Swedish Life Cycle Center and. [...] - What do you see as the most positive possible outcomes from EF for you or your organization? - What questions/issues will you and your organization be working with during the year within the framework of PEF and OEF? - What areas do you see as the most important for Swedish life cycle center to work with within EF? This can also include areas to focus on for the EF Expert group.
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