cover image: P olicy  B rief


P olicy B rief

23 Jul 2024

This was and has representatives in the Territorial one of the causes of the riots in spring 2024: Congress, which in turn elects an 11-member the Kanaks, who in fact only represent 41.2% of executive. [...] in the South Pacific, is an essential part of the French presence in the Pacific, the importance In addition, New Caledonia, like French of which was highlighted in France’s Indo- Polynesia, has been a member of the Pacific Pacific strategy launched in 2018.5 This territory islands Forum (PIF) since 2016. [...] of cooperation was signed in April 2024, a few weeks before the outbreak of the riots France was a member of the OSCE Minsk in New Caledonia, between the Congress of Group, which was tasked with f inding a New Caledonia and the National Assembly diplomatic solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh of Azerbaijan to “make the inter national territorial conflict between Azerbaijan and community aware of the r. [...] diplomatic, economic and strategic influence with the island states and territories of the Beyond the territorial question in New region, relying on the concept of the Pacific Caledonia, the political instability that has Silk Road. [...] Economically, New Caledonia is the prevailed in France since the dissolution of the fourth largest producer of nickel in the world, National Assembly on June 9, 2024, and the after Indonesia, the Philippines and Russia.
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