cover image: PHAI - Developing State Policy Recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Procurement


PHAI - Developing State Policy Recommendations for Safe Drinking Water Procurement

9 Jan 2018

The state profiles and policy recommendations can be used to assess current policies for drinking water access and quality and to determine which policy recommendations are relevant to the needs of a particular state’s schools and child care centers. [...] 47 Water Quality Monitoring at the Tap There is no safe level of lead exposure and lead in drinking water can contribute to a child’s lead burden from other sources of lead poisoning like paint, soil and dust.48 It is estimated that lead from drinking water contributes from 14 to 20% or more of total lead exposure.49 The widely used allowable limit for lead in drinking water of 15 ppb is derived f. [...] licensing renewal or annually)60 • Require retesting at specified intervals if the building receives water via a lead service line and/or the plumbing profile of the building poses an ongoing risk of elevated lead levels in drinking water.61 • When using tap water directly from a drinking water outlet, use only cold water for drinking and food preparation.62 • Outlets used for drinking water and f. [...] State food codes require water be from an approved public water supplier, and, if water is from a private supply, proof of compliance with applicable water safety standards and annual sampling can be required.87 States are beginning to enact more comprehensive water quality monitoring requirements for public schools, and the increased use of water filters to address water quality problems at the t. [...] These include: • Integration of drinking water throughout child care licensing standards to address safe and adequate drinking water access throughout the day • A clear policy for the use of reusable water bottles in child care • Mandatory testing for lead in drinking water as a condition of child care licensing • Integration of drinking water into state childhood lead poisoning prevention program.
Published in
United States of America
