cover image: 221_GOS_Advancing the APEC Environmental Services Agenda


221_GOS_Advancing the APEC Environmental Services Agenda

28 May 2021

The indoor environment refers to those confined spaces, in which the circulation of air, the provision of water, the regulation of temperature, the exclusion of unwanted biota, and protection from the brute forces of nature (and anthropogenic pollution arising from within the space) is controlled largely by humans. [...] One of the most significant changes between previous versions of the CPC and Versions 2.0 and 2.1 has been the disappearance of the three sub-sectors “cleaning services of exhaust gases”, “noise abatement services” and “nature and landscape protection services”. [...] 15 3.3 Exploring the range of environmental services It is important to acknowledge that the boundaries between the categories of environmental services used in Appendix 3 overlap in a number of cases, and this is clearly demonstrated in the table itself. [...] The value-add of these companies is the expert insights they bring to the management of water systems; the ownership and management of the systems is still retained by the municipalities. [...] 3.3.3 The control and avoidance of ambient air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions The technical means to reduce or avoid ambient air pollution and the build-up of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere overlap to some extent but differ in many ways that are relevant to the types of services that are needed to accomplish the two objectives.
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