cover image: Indigenous peasant women in Ecuador: Agents of food sovereignty ? 2009-2017

Indigenous peasant women in Ecuador: Agents of food sovereignty ? 2009-2017

19 Jun 2022

The main objective is to analyze the implementation of public policies derived from critical narratives of the expansionist, corporate and liberalizing agribusiness model. To this end, we analyze the roles and conditions of Ecuadorian indigenous women in food sovereignty production systems. First, the analytical frameworks of agro-economic policy and rural development models are examined, as well as their relationship to gender studies and human rights. Second, fieldwork is conducted in two case studies identified as exemplary: in the canton of Ibarra, Imbabura province, and in the cantons of Pedro Moncayo and Cayambe, Pichincha province. The research is based on Constructivist Grounded Theory through methodological triangulation in documentary analysis, seventeen semi-structured interviews with key actors and participant observation. It is determined that public agrifood policies of food sovereignty is based on narratives disconnected from the realities and conditions of indigenous women farmers. Therefore, structural deficiencies are absorbed into the productive, reproductive and political roles of women producers.


Camila Cuevas

Bibliographic Reference
Camila Cuevas. Indigenous peasant women in Ecuador: Agents of food sovereignty ? 2009-2017. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2022. ⟨dumas-03944377⟩
HAL Collection
['Université Sorbonne Nouvelle', 'Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique latine', 'Campus-AAR', 'Collection LaCAS - Open Archives in Language and Cultural Area Studies', 'DUMAS', 'CONDORCET3', 'CAMPUS CONDORCET']
HAL Identifier
['Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3', 'Stockholm University', 'Universidad de Salamanca']
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