cover image: La personne âgée dysphagique en maison de retraite : orthophonie et information du personnel soignant


La personne âgée dysphagique en maison de retraite : orthophonie et information du personnel soignant

24 Jun 2013

The aim of this study was to investigate about the intervention of the speech therapist in the management of dysphagia in nursing homes, especially the role he can play in the formation and the accompaniment of caregivers. We questioned 108 professionals: medical coordinators, speech therapists, and caregivers. The answers to the questionnaires show that speech therapist's intervention seems to be useful in this kind of situation, even if caregivers don't seem to know well his role in the management of dysphagia.


Hélène Meriau

Bibliographic Reference
Hélène Meriau. La personne âgée dysphagique en maison de retraite : orthophonie et information du personnel soignant. Sciences cognitives. 2013. ⟨dumas-00873936⟩
HAL Collection
['DUMAS', 'Sorbonne Université', 'LA SANTÉ DANS DUMAS']
HAL Identifier
Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
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