cover image: Bergson et la télépathie : à propos d'une correspondance inédite


Bergson et la télépathie : à propos d'une correspondance inédite

1 Jan 2021

Henri Bergson’s (1859-1941) interest in psychical research, also known as parapsychology or metapsychics, is an “open secret” according to sociologist and philosopher Bertrand Méheust (1999, 240). It has already been the subject of many commentaries. Bergson remained cautious in mentioning his interest in these subjects. It is therefore difficult to combine the different pieces of this puzzle to give a representation in accordance with the progression of his thought. The discovery, in the private archives of Dr. Hubert Larcher (1921-2008), of an unpublished letter from Bergson on the subject of telepathy is an opportunity to review the knowledge acquired on this topic, in order to contextualize this correspondence and its potential theoretical contribution.


Renaud Evrard

Bibliographic Reference
Renaud Evrard. Bergson et la télépathie : à propos d'une correspondance inédite. Bergsoniana, 2021, ⟨10.4000/bergsoniana.463⟩. ⟨hal-04106191⟩
HAL Collection
["Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société", 'Archives ouvertes de la Philosophie', 'Archive ouverte en Histoire etPhilosophie des Sciences et des Techniques', 'Université de Lorraine', "INTERPSY - Laboratoire de psychologie de l'interaction et des relations intersubjectives"]
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Université de Lorraine
Laboratoire de psychologie de l'interaction et des relations intersubjectives
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