cover image: Relevance clinique et biologique des allo-anticorps anti-hla dans les thrombopénies fœtales / néonatales : étude rétrospective comparative en région PACA

Relevance clinique et biologique des allo-anticorps anti-hla dans les thrombopénies fœtales / néonatales : étude rétrospective comparative en région PACA

9 Sep 2016

Introduction: The foetal/neonatal thrombopenia by allo-immunisation, when there is a platelet incompatibility between the mother and the child, is a rare pathology (from 1/800 to 1/1000 birth). The consequences of this thrombophenia can be serious: cerebral/ digestive haemorrhage… Or even death. The recurrence for a couple is almost systematic. The principal treatment is a platelet transfusion. Objective: To determinate the prevalence of the allo-antibodies anti-HLA on the new-borns and foetus suffering of thrombopenia by allo-immunisation, and their role in this pathology. Methodology: A retrospective, descriptive and comparative study have been realised from 59 files showing or not a platelet incompatibility between the mother and the child, and with or without antibodies anti HPA. This files are from January 2006 to November 2015 and are coming from the University Hospitals Centres from Marseille and Nice. Their clinical and paraclinical characteristics come from their files. Results: None links have been found between the antibodies and the apparition, or the evolution, of the foetal/neonatal thrombopenia by allo-immunisation. Conclusion: The foetal/neonatal thrombopenia by allo-immunisation is a rare but potentially dangerous pathology. However, there is only few advices on the nursing.


Valentine Hamery

Bibliographic Reference
Valentine Hamery. Relevance clinique et biologique des allo-anticorps anti-hla dans les thrombopénies fœtales / néonatales : étude rétrospective comparative en région PACA. Pédiatrie. 2016. ⟨dumas-01412652⟩
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['Aix Marseille Université', 'Aix-Marseille Université', 'École universitaire de maïeutique Marseille Méditerranée', 'DUMAS', 'LA SANTÉ DANS DUMAS']
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Aix Marseille Université
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