cover image: REPUBLIQUE DU SENÉGAL   - Regional Access to Electricity and Battery


REPUBLIQUE DU SENÉGAL - Regional Access to Electricity and Battery

14 Mar 2021

Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and reported to the Association by the Government of the Republic of Senegal as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the legal agreement, and the Association will monitor and assess progress and completion of the material measures and actions throughout implementation of the Project. [...] 4.2 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY: Before starting of works and during the life Contractors, Owner Engineer and the PIU The Recipient shall ensure that Project contractors develop and cycle of the Project implement measures and actions as required in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) to assess and manage specific risks and impacts to the community arising from the implementation. [...] 7 | Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 4.3 SEA/SH RISKS: Finalization of the SEA/SH risk assessment Contractors, Owner’s Engineer and the PIU as part of the ESMF and implementation of Based on the findings of the project's SEA/SH risk assessment, the PIU this plan throughout the implementation of will prepare an appropriate and proportional plan within the ESIA a. [...] The SEA/SH Prevention and The SEA/SH action plan will be prepared by Response Action Plan will be developed in accordance with national the SENELEC and submitted to the provisions and with reference to best practices and recommended Association for approval before the measures for projects which are substantial risk in line with the SEA/SH finalization and submission of the Good Practice Note of t. [...] 8 | Page THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 4.4 GBV AND SEA RISKS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: Before the start of work and throughout Contractors, Owner Engineer and the PIU the life cycle of the project Make available additional funding for the implementation of measures to address the risks and impacts of sexual exploitation and abuse that may occur during the im.


junior HADEOU

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