cover image: Global engagement


Global engagement

17 Aug 2017

the European Association 1983 The MA programme was of Development Research restructured with more space and Training Institutes- and for differentiation and the choice remains one of the premium of 8 different themes. [...] A Master in Public the teaching and research Administration and a Master in capacity of the Addis International and Comparative Law 1 July 2009 ISS becomes a University Institute Ababa University in the were developed. [...] Alternately Utrecht and ISS appoint an outstanding young academic from a developing country to the Prince Claus Chair for the advancement of research and teaching in the field of development and equity. [...] The courses ISS also uses the concept of a flipped classroom, offering contribute to the institutional development of the alumni’s students’ material to digest ahead of class and distance employing organizations and prolong the impact supervision for the Research component. [...] The course offered the participants the opportunity to address questions related to the peace processes using explicit gender and intersectional perspectives, combining their existing and updated knowledge of the global, regional and national dynamics of conflicts and post-conflict transformations in Latin America.
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