cover image: Adoption of improved grain legumes and dryland cereals crop varieties: A synthesis of evidence


Adoption of improved grain legumes and dryland cereals crop varieties: A synthesis of evidence

17 Jun 2021

He holds BSc in Agricultural Resource Economics and Management from Hawassa University in Ethiopia and a master’s degrees in business and economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and food and resource economics from Bonn University. [...] Key CGIAR research centres involved in the larger research effort associated with GLDC crops include the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) (chickpea, groundnut, pigeon pea, millet, and sorghum), the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (cowpea and soybean), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) (common bean), and the Int. [...] The Diffusion and Impact of Improved Varieties in Africa (DIIVA) and Tracking Improved Varieties in South Asia (TRIVSA) projects have also documented varietal adoption and diffusion for various crops (including those related to GLDC’s mandate) in SSA and South Asia from the period between 1998 and 2010 (Walker and Alwang 2015). [...] We capitalized on this investment by systematically searching and screening all relevant studies pertaining to the adoption of improved GLDC crop varieties in the 13 countries targeted by the program. [...] This involved (a) multiplying the study’s adoption rate by the surveyed region’s share of the national cropping area to derive a conservative estimate of the national adoption rate at the time of data collection; (b) updating a to 2019 using the average adoption growth rate for the crop in question; (c) multiplying b by the national cropping area to estimate of the area the improved variety in 201.
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