cover image: Health of the New Zealand International NGO Sector post COVID-19


Health of the New Zealand International NGO Sector post COVID-19

6 Sep 2020

This independent study looks at the health of the sector post COVID-19 and explores threats and opportunities for the future health and effectiveness of the sector. [...] With the strength of global organisations such as the UN, the World Bank, The World Health Organisation and many others intrinsically linked to globalisation the future of these institutions and the collaborative approach they deliver is at risk. [...] All activity was undertaken during a period where the health impact was under control in New Zealand and developing in many of the programme countries and the economic impacts were a topic of much debate and supposition as to the potential medium to long-term effects. [...] It was felt that there was a distinct role for MFAT in being part of the solution to these issues and working with the sector to better define the role of INGO’s in localised development and to change to a higher-level impact focus. [...] Leveraging the opportunities below, and drawing on the experience of operating in the restricted COVID-19 environment provides an opportunity to realign organisations and the sector behind an operating model where the value add is clear to all stakeholders and the focus of efforts is on how this value is used to maximise impact.


Darren Ward

Published in
New Zealand
