cover image: Preschool children's emerging participotion in leisure and recreation activities.


Preschool children's emerging participotion in leisure and recreation activities.

8 Nov 2020

Boih the selection of the eor trends in the dependeht meosures lor pur- iterns ond ihe ossignment of the indicotors to poses of oscertoining similorities ond differ- Toble l. [...] Cohen's d wos 2001)were used to oscertoin similorilies ond dif' used os the size of effect {or between-group ferences in frequency oI porticipotion in the l0 comporisons ond for both the lineor ond curvi sukotegories ol octivities for children with or lineor trends (Rosehthol, 1994). [...] A lorger percent- thot the mognifude oI increoses in porticipotlon oge of children wkhout disobilities or deloys por- in both the leisore ond recreolion octivities were ticipqted in most of the oclivities compored to moderotely lorge. [...] Percentoge of childrd porlicipotlhg in the differcnt leisurr (L) qnd r..r€otion (R) sctiviiie3 thon different in oll l0 subcotegories of oclivities porticipotion voried dr between ond within lhe for both groups of children os evidenced by the two types of ociivities constituting the focus of smoll sizes of elfect for the mojority of the I 0 be- onolyses ( eisure vs. [...] licipoted the leost were cotegodzed os /ecreo- The oge.reloted pottems oI porticipolion de- tion oGivities, ond the three types o{ octivities in scrlbed in this poper, to $e best of our knowl- which the children porticipoted the most were edge, constitute the first set of doto showing the cotegorized os leisure octivities.
Published in
United States of America