cover image: About the Author


About the Author

26 May 2021

As the Director of Culture and Heritage for the Government of Newfoundland and Labra- dor, he led the process that eventually led to the construction in 2005 of The Rooms, the province’s museum-archive-art gallery complex that dominates the skyline of downtown St. [...] Principal applicant: the person in the family who makes the application for residence on behalf of the family; in the case of an economic immigrant, this person will have the qualifications and language skills to be accepted into the country, but this is not necessarily the case for the dependents. [...] How will this affect the level of taxation in the province? These and other questions will occupy the minds of the leadership of the province over the next decades, be they in government, business, the education system, civil society, the faith community or elsewhere. [...] The graphic in Figure 1 on the next two pages provides an overview of the immigration ecosystem in the province and divides up the many elements in the ecosystem according to the chapters in which they are addressed in this document. [...] In addition to the decreasing birth rate, in 2006, the number of deaths in the province surpassed the num- ber of births.3 And the decline in the natural population change (births minus deaths) is expected to accel- erate into the foreseeable future (Figure 2).



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