cover image: Final report Charting Pakistan’s air quality policy landscape - Ali Habib


Final report Charting Pakistan’s air quality policy landscape - Ali Habib

16 Jun 2021

Originally, the Pakistan EPA set air quality and emission standards and defined the framework for their monitoring and enforcement while the provincial EPAs took on the responsibility to implement. [...] In response to deteriorating air quality in the province, the Environment Protection Department, Punjab (EPD)—the parent department of the Punjab Environment Protection Agency—developed the Punjab Clean Air Action Plan, which explores options for the government to address the significant costs that Punjab’s citizens and economy bear because of increasing air pollution and winter smog. [...] The Smog Commission sought to identify the root causes of smog in Punjab and prescribe a plan to protect and safeguard the life and health of the province’s citizens. [...] The Commission further recommended the EPD engage with academia and civil society to invest in research and public awareness campaigns; the federal government include environmental concerns in bilateral and multilateral dialogues with India; and the court create a permanent Clean Air Commission. [...] For example, the Punjab Government has mandated the Punjab Environmental Quality Standards, and the Punjab EPD bears the responsibility to monitor and enforce them.
Published in
United Kingdom
