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State of the Voluntary Local Reviews 2021: FROM REPORTING TO

30 Jun 2021

When Antonio Guterres, Secretary- and for integrating the Goals into strategies, General of the United Nations, inaugurated the budgeting, procurement procedures and other key ‘Decade of Action’, he stressed the important role of areas.”23 The document further stressed the importance local governments in accelerating actions to achieve of including local and regional governments into the the SDGs1. [...] Methodology of the constituting a successful VLR: (1) the creation of agovernance structure that supports the VLR process; Study and (2) the linkages between national and local reviews and related follow-up exercises towards the This report follows a similar methodology to that of the localisation of the 2030 Agenda. [...] The VLR focuses on localising the 2030 to the focus of the 2020 HLPF, which recommended Agenda and aligning its goals and targets with the the review of every SDG; in 2018 and 2019, many of city’s policies. [...] In some cases, made for the necessity of operationalising the and depending on the governance structure of each integration between multiple levels of government, in country and the level of funding available to cities, order to ensure that policies are achievable, scalable, VNR-VLR integration may also entail the transfer of and consistent with the ambitions of the 2030 funding to help ensure pol. [...] Barcelona’s VLR includes a dedicated chapter on the impact of the pandemic titled “The 2030 Agenda in the era of COVID-19: Impact and reactions,” which covers the challenges that the pandemic posed to the development of the VLR and Barcelona’s Recuperation Plan.


Fernando Ortiz-Moya

Mentioned Organizations

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