cover image: State Capture Assessment on Sectoral Level Methodological Toolkit


State Capture Assessment on Sectoral Level Methodological Toolkit

20 May 2021

[…] In its essence, state capture is the abuse of good governance rules (which is also an abuse of power) in the process of drafting, adoption and enforcement of the rules themselves (including the judiciary rules) in favour of a small number of captors at the expense of society and business at large. [...] Ineffectiveness of antimonopoly laws is computed as the percentage of experts who believe that the laws for the sector rather help the monopolisation of the sector. [...] Analysis of the results and integration with the other instruments This group of indicators characterise the institutional environment in which businesses in a specific sector operate, with respect to the ability of the environ- ment to ensure the neutrality of the administration and equal opportunities for each economic actor. [...] MACPI is applied at the level of public organisations as the most relevant level of as- sessment of the coverage of anti-corruption policies, the levels of corruption pressure and potential corruption vulnerabilities, as well as providing a com- prehensive overview of the gaps in coverage of an organization’s anti-corrup- tion framework. [...] the meeting starts with introducing MACPI and explaining the different steps of the audit, as well as the outcomes: the tech- nical report which is provided to the management and the analytical report which would be published only after the approval of the management.
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