cover image: Equitable Brownfields to Brightfields Projects: Research Findings Memo


Equitable Brownfields to Brightfields Projects: Research Findings Memo

28 May 2021

Equitable Engagement An equitable B2B project will offer an inclusive and accessible engagement process that involves neighboring community members in decisions made about how to remediate and use a brownfield site and how to structure a project developed on the site. [...] Making community engagement a key and dedicated part of the process can open new possibilities for a site and lead to a redevelopment that better serves the needs of residents who have been historically impacted by a site’s contamination. [...] A CBA is an agreement between the project developer and community members impacted by the project that provides local benefits to the community as part of the solar development project. [...] If a community is served by an investor-owned utility (IOU), the municipality can use its position to encourage a utility to move interconnection for the project forward in a timely manner and to offer clear and consistent information. [...] Municipalities and community organizations can help make more equitable B2B projects possible by centering and supporting inclusive and robust community engagement to identify priorities and needs for sites and by supporting project models using the strategies outlined in this memo.



Published in
United States of America
