cover image: Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International


Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International

20 Mar 2018

Documentation of a minimum of 20 continuing education hours obtained during the previous 12 months to include core requirements of: o Minimum of 6 hours of disability education (DE). [...] o Minimum of 2 hours relevant to each certification held (CR): Visit the CEU Guidelines webpage to learn what applies to Certification Core Requirements Continuing education activities submitted to fulfill the minimum of 20 hours should involve active participation and/or reflect pursuit of professional development. [...] Complete the following portion of this form and submit it along with your membership payment to the PATH Intl. [...] Certified Instructor (if applicable) I have read, fully understand and will uphold the PATH Intl Code of Ethics at all times and agree to maintain compliance with standards in the PATH Intl Standards for Certification and Accreditation(*Code of Ethics is located on the PATH Intl. [...] website,, and in the Standards for Certification and Accreditation.) I have completed a total of 20 hours of combined continuing education, certification core requirements, and disability education as follows: CONTINUING EDUCATION (CE), DISABILITY EDUCATION (DE), CERTIFICATION CORE REQUIREMENT (CR) ETC Event/Activity Location/Institution/Coach/Research Supervisor Date:(mo/year).


Kim Hall

Published in
United States of America