cover image: House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Enquiry


House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Enquiry

21 Sep 2017

Given the constraint on government resources, it is necessary for institutions and the Department for Education (DfE) to maximise the efficiency of the teaching process by minimising pay costs per teaching hour, maximising group sizes and minimising support and administration costs. [...] To guard against this, it would make sense for the Treasury and DfE to scale down the 110% offer to 75% to release funds to address failures in the training market. [...] What changes are required to develop a system that meets the needs of enterprise and the labour market whilst providing value for students and the Government? Strengths and weaknesses of the English education system 24. [...] The English education system has a significant role in supporting these successes both in terms of its academic strengths but also, at the other end of the spectrum, the strong push for inclusivity and support for all young people. [...] OBR predicts spending will stay below 4% of GDP for the long-term During the early years of the 2000s, spending was 5% of GDP and rose during the financial crisis to a peak at 5.8%.



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United Kingdom