cover image: Amelioration of Amyloid-beta mediated toxicity and inflammation by a novel Bri2 BRICHOS domain can open new ways to treat Alzheimer's disease : Preclinical


Amelioration of Amyloid-beta mediated toxicity and inflammation by a novel Bri2 BRICHOS domain can open new ways to treat Alzheimer's disease : Preclinical

19 May 2021

The Aβ peptide is being generated in various lengths, most commonly Aβ40 and A42, where of Aβ42 is much more prone to aggregate and forms the most toxic species. [...] Treatment strategies have so far focused on decreasing the amount of aggregating protein and elimination of the toxic forms by immunotherapies, but the results of clinical trials have been disappointing. [...] The BRICHOS domain is small (about 100 amino acid residues), has a unique fold and is present in 10 distantly related protein families and proposed to be involved in post-translational processing of the proproteins for its chaperonic activity. [...] From the behavioral tests, it shows that Bri2 BRICHOS reduces the anxiety and improves the general activity and exploration in the AD mice. [...] Tillvägagångssättet för att behandla AD med chaperoner baseras på hypotesen att "Nature" med evolution har utformat specifika faktorer för att skydda amyloidogena peptider, och att sådana faktorer är attraktiva kandidater för att utnyttja för behandling.


Shaffi Manchanda

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