cover image: 緬甸軍事政變及內戰情勢發展: 民族武裝團體的角色 摘 要 壹、前言

緬甸軍事政變及內戰情勢發展: 民族武裝團體的角色 摘 要 壹、前言

26 Aug 2024

html>; Aaron Connelly & Shona Loong, “Conflict in Myanmar and the International Response,” in The International Institute for Strategic Studies, ed., Asia-Pacific Regional Security Assessment 2023 (Southampton: Hobbs the Printers, 2023), pp. [...] Sai Wansai, “Assessing the EAOs in 2022: Uncertainty as Groups Fight the Junta, Sit on the Fence or Side with the Junta,” Mizzima, January 14, 2023, < junta-sit-fence-or-side-junta#google_vignette>; David Brenner, “Rebel Politics after the Coup: Myanmar’s Ethnic Armed Organizations and Their Social Foundations.” 68. [...] Sai Wansai, “Assessing the EAOs in 2022: Uncertainty as Groups Fight the Junta, Sit on the Fence or Side with the Junta;” Shona Loong, “Southeast Myanmar: A Shared Struggle for Federal Democracy.” $2213.indd 155 2024/8/26 下午 01:39:24 156 遠景基金會季刊第二十五卷第三期 2024年 7月 TSSCI核心期刊 較大的組織都未簽署協議並自組聯盟,如若開軍、緬甸民族民主同盟 軍、德昂民族解放軍與克欽獨立軍於 2016年組成「北方聯盟」(North Alliance) 的軍事結盟,之後再與另三個同樣未加入協議的緬甸民族 民主同盟軍、撣邦進步黨及佤邦聯合軍組成「聯邦政. [...] Sai Wansai, “Assessing the EAOs in 2022: Uncertainty as Groups Fight the Junta, Sit on the Fence or Side with the Junta;” Shona Loong, “Northeast Myanmar: Three Axes of Conflict.” 77. [...] State of Strife: The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict in Burma.
Published in
Title in English
Myanmar Military Transitions and Civil War Developments: Summary of the Role of Ethnic Armed Groups 1, Preface [from PDF fonts]

Table of Contents