cover image: 202 - ERF W 4 P s - Does The Environment Matter?

202 - ERF W 4 P s - Does The Environment Matter?

2 Sep 2024

However, we should mention that due to data availability, we use the period 1960-2009 for the time-variant variables, such as the total length in km of boundary marked by the river, the total shared basin in squared km and the percentage of the total shared basin in the upstream state. [...] (2021), the natural resource rents may have a negative impact on the likelihood of conflict in the presence of better quality of government institutions for the global sample, and the developed and developing countries. [...] More specifically, the River Cross refers to the total number of rivers crossing the country boundary, and the River Boundary is the total length in km of boundary marked by the river. [...] The last two variables are the Perc Upstream, which shows the percentage of total shared basin in the upstream state, and the Basin Upstream, which measures the total area in sq km of river basins in the state with more total upstream river. [...] In particular, river boundaries (River Boundary) increase by 10% the incidence of conflict, the increase of one percentage of the total shared basin in the upstream state (Perc Upstream) increases the probability of armed by 0.33%, and the total area in squared km of river basins in the state with more total upstream rivers (Basin Upstream) increase the incidence of conflict by 9.7%.


Eleftherios Giovanis

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